by SandWyrm

Here's a pictorial rundown of what there was to see from Fantasy Flight at Gencon today.

I got down to the convention center at 10:15 and... there was the mother of all lines for picking up badges. Crap! Should have gotten down there earlier!

This is the front half...

...and this was the back half. That group in the middle is the line curving back around up the hall.

Finally in sight of the badge booths! Even given the size of the line, it moved pretty quickly. About 45 minutes from one end to the other.

Once I finally had my badge, I quickly made my way to the Vendor Hall to see what was new and cool. Right out front was Fantasy Flight Games, who were (YES!) showing off a beta of Star Wars Armada.

I'll have to do a separate post on the hour I spent playing a demo game of STA, but it's good. Doesn't play very much like X-Wing at all, and has more than enough depth and complexity to satisfy anyone who thinks that X-Wing is too simple. A 45-minute game this is not.

One thing that stood out is that each ship has a command rating, and that rating determines how many turns ahead you have to declare maneuvers. For the Corvette, you can decide what to do turn-by-turn. But you have to plan a turn ahead for the Frigate, and 2 turns ahead for the Star Destroyer. Which is why the command dials are shaped the way they are. So that you can stack them up in order.

FFG also had the upcoming X-Wing ships on display. The new YT looked really good, but I'm not entirely sold on the look of the Decimator. Nice model and paintjob though.

Just like last year, FFG had a long line snaking around their sales area.

They certainly brought plenty of product to sell.

 Even a Warhammer licensed card game.

The X-Wing Tournament Area

In terms of overall presence, FFG is just dominating the show. With the most products, the largest sales/demo area in the hall, and table after table of gaming (not just X-Wing either). Their people acted professional and were well organized. Unlike some others I saw (cough... GW... cough... Palladium).

Impressive... most impressive.