I've not done a funky link set for a bit so here are some recent crossover posts, or more intricate combinations of theme, you might not have seen.
- JD at The Disoriented Ranger pondered design and play in light of the OSR
- Zhu Bajiee statted up some Tékumel miniatures for third edition Warhammer
- Stelios linked Oldhammer to the OSR and will do a third edition readthrough
- The Beat Ronin reflected on growing up and changes in approach over time
- Von showed the making of a Black Legion warband with Realm of Chaos
- Jonas at Deathworld Adventures played GW's Inquisitor with action figures
- Trey at From the Sorcerer's Skull sketched a superheroic science fantasy
- Wayne R. at SIU listed classic modules, with work by Raggi and McKinney
- Early D&D player Cyclopeatron converted a Menoth Avatar for Warmachine
- The Alternative Wargamer scratchbuilt a YG-4210 for FFG's popular X-Wing
- Nathan at Corehammer compared past GW artist Ian Miller to HP Lovecraft
- The Secret Sun looked at the evidence for Lovecraft having a secret source
- Tim at The Other Side wrote up Mary Poppins, as both witch and time lord
There's a lot more weirdness going on, especially in the upper three blogrolls on the left.