
I was reminded the other day that I haven’t updated the blog in a while. This is because I haven’t really had much hobby material to show. Work continues slowly on the ork fleet but their isn’t much to see at this stage which is significantly different from the pictures already published. I’ve just blocked in a few colours prior to shading and highlighting. However, something I have been working on is more space marines for my Astral Claws. These guys have become my go-to models when I’m between projects.

The space marine kits are great fun to assemble and the newer tactical squad kit is no exception. I won’t write a review as these models have been out nearly a year now but the kit has very crisp detail which far surpasses the previous incarnation of the tactical marines. There are some subtle details which might be missed when looking at the photos in White Dwarf. The poses are more upright making them appear taller and the unarmoured heads are ever so slightly smaller, giving the models better proportions than the older kits. One thing I also really like about the kit is the number of early armour mark bits included in the kit and I have made full use of the mk4 and mk6 components to add variety to the force.

So far the silver armour is complete on these models and I will be moving on to the blue and gold detailing. More to follow.