With game two of our Sakar campaign coming in a week, it won't be long until the big finale – Assault on the Mining Facility. We don't really have any terrain that would make a good mining building, to defend or capture, so I've been thinking about building one.

A couple of things to take into consideration. First of all, I have no time to do anything at the moment so it will be nothing fancy. I do have a tonne of foam card so I'm sure I could put it to good use, however, I don't want to be splashing out on anything – this terrain piece has to cost nothing!

I have been scouring the internet for some inspiration and I thought I would share it with you all. Some of these ideas are awesome but don't fit the bill, given the above constraints. Yet plenty of ideas to be had and directions to try. Enjoy.

I even found some Ork inspiration…

And for those following the Stompa chat on Bull's blog

'nuff said!