Been a while since I posted anything so felt an update was in order. Despite resisting for years I have finally scummed to Flames of War.
Had a demo game a few weeks ago and loved it. It just feel right, tanks, infantry just work like you would expect them to work.
To start with I am going to do a mid war American rifle company.
Here is my starting list:
1 Company HQ @ 60 pts
2 Carbine team
2 Bazooka team
1 Rifle Platoon @ 150 pts
1 HQ Section
1 Rifle team
1 Bazooka team
3 Rifle Squad
3 Rifle team
1 Rifle Platoon @ 150 pts
1 HQ Section
1 Rifle team
1 Bazooka team
3 Rifle Squad
3 Rifle team
1 Rifle Platoon @ 150 pts
1 HQ Section
1 Rifle team
1 Bazooka team
3 Rifle Squad
3 Rifle team
1 Weapons Platoon @ 120 pts
1 HQ Section
1 Carbine team
1 Mortar Section
3 M2 60mm mortar
2 Machine-gun Section
2 M1919 LMG
1 Field Artillery Battery @ 165 pts
1 HQ Section
1 Carbine team
1 Staff team
1 Observer Carbine team
1 Jeep
2 Gun Section
2 M2A1 105mm howitzer (Gun shield; Smoke)
1 Field Artillery Battery @ 315 pts
1 HQ Section
1 Carbine team
1 Staff team
1 Observer Carbine team
1 Jeep
2 Gun Section
2 M1 155mm howitzer (Bunker Buster; Gun shield; Smoke)
1 Self-propelled Anti-tank Platoon @ 230 pts
1 HQ Section
1 Carbine team
1 Jeep with .50 cal AA MG
1 .50 cal AA MG
1 Anti-tank Section
1 Carbine team
1 Jeep
2 M10 3in GMC
1 M7 3in gun
1 .50 cal AA MG
1 Intelligence & Recon Platoon @ 80 pts (Reconnaissance Platoon)
1 HQ Section
1 Carbine team
1 Jeep with .50 cal AA MG
1 .50 cal AA MG
3 I&R Squad
1 Rifle team
1 Jeep
1 Anti-aircraft Artillery (Self-propelled) Platoon @ 80 pts
1 Automatic Weapons Section
2 T28E1 CGMC (37mm) (Awkward Layout)
1 T28E1 37mm combination mount (Anti-aircraft)
Total List Cost: 1500
Infantry is the anvil, the artillery to force the opponent to come to me, some recon to limit their movement and a bit of anti tank and anti air. I have most of the infantry and artillery on order so hopefully I can start playing in the new year.
In other system I am continuing my quest to make a new 40k list, still playing around with various combinations, not got something I am happy with yet.
For war machine the painting goes one, currently working on a unit of IFP and it’s sucking the life out of my doing them I really hate painting units of WM infantry. On the once they are out the way I have very little left to paint of my Khador.
Flames of War and a General Update
by Waltz | Dec 13, 2010