I must admit I'm a huge fan of Franck Miller's work. I discovered it with The Dark Knight's Return. Then, many years after, Sin City arrived in France. I was amazed by it's work on contrasts. 

For a long time, I only read the french version. I'm living in France, and it's a bit difficult, and expensive, to get the original versions. Translation has many defaults : letters' work disappears, noises are transformed, all the bad language is transformed, etc.

Then I had the opportunity to buy the hard cover All-in-one Franck Miller's BIG DAMN Sin City edition. It's 20% wider than the comics size. And to say it in a word : WOW...

Do you remember the knot you felt in your guts when you heard 300 will be a film ? Opening this huge version was a sucker punch in the face. Having 20% more details to read is just amazing.

And if you can, buy the Artbook, it's worth it.