Hey everyone and welcome back.  Though it's been a while since our last real hard look into some of the newest books brought out for 40k, that doesn't mean we haven't been having some fun collecting and reading them.  Quite a few new codexes have dropped recently, and they've given us some insight as to what we can expect from those to come.  To be honest, I'm actually fairly happy with where the releases are in so many respects, and if not for a few little hiccups in the core rules, I could easily see this rule set and it's codexes being the most balanced and the most healthy the game of Warhammer 40k has ever been.  After nearly 3 decades of existence, that's saying quite a bit.

I many cases, a game reaches what I feel to be it's pinnacle climax not long after it's first official release.  This isn't to say that it's always the case, but as a game ages, we see the developers begin to introduce more and more concepts, abilities, areas, rules, etc. to their world.  While it's not inherently a bad thing, and I fully understand it is necessary to keep these games new and interesting for the players, it can take away from a game's overall experience.

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