The elite Bodyguards of Gorgut are ready for the Heroes. Since we didn’t make it past level one with our heroes yet I am asking myself what am I doing to the poor adventurers with updates such as this one?

The two new Big'Uns.

The two new Big’Uns.

Green muscles and fiery red armour to bring doom to all heroes of the Old World.

Green muscles and fiery red armour to bring doom to all heroes of the Old World.

The old and the new.

The old and the new.

Skullbasha leading the Big'Uns.

Skullbasha leading the Big’Uns.

Celebrating yet another finished Event Card.

Celebrating yet another finished Event Card.

All models of the Lair of the Orc Lord expansion painted so far.

All models of the Lair of the Orc Lord expansion painted so far.

Stuff still lacking paint: 6 Black Orcs, Gorgut himself, 3 Goblin Wolf Rider and 4 Night Goblins with clubs. But maybe it is time for another room first?

Stuff still lacking paint: 6 Black Orcs, Gorgut himself, 3 Goblin Wolf Rider and 4 Night Goblins with clubs. But maybe it is time for another room first?