After having Todd (SincaiN40k) chastise me about my painting, I decided to work on all of my Tohaa at once.  Something I thought about seeing others doing it.  Todd wasn't harsh but honest.  My painting has improved a great deal but I have a bad habit of rushing and it looks sloppy.  Tohaa is going to be the army that breaks that mold. 

I assembled and mounted everyone to their bases.  I had a ton of the Secret Weapon Miniatures "Creeping Infection" bases and used them.  I have few models that are on plane bases but I plan to use the textured paint to generate a similar effect and probably a little green stuff.  I plan on trying to make the maggots look more like tentacles.

I have base coated the models in purple and then highlighted using a few progressive shades.  I made a few errors but since I was working on them assembly line style it was easy to correct them at the end.  The models look a little too light.  They look like I would imagine Emperor's Children would look.

That was the first few layers. I will post more in a few days. Plus I plan on getting my first game with them in a few days.