So I have finally had a chance, and motivation, to sit down and finish off this bust. A very unique piece for me as I am still getting to grips with the historical pieces these days. And this was no exception.

You might remember this piece from the Fernando Ruiz class I did back in Blumberg. This was our test piece for the class.

Fernando had asked if I was going to any shows like Stresa or Euro Militaire, and when I said yes to Euro, he said then I MUST get this finished for that show! Since that show is next weekend ( Yikes! ) I guess my motivation is uber last minute styled :D

We did receive another socket from CrazyWenky, but I felt it was too large for this piece. And besides it is a really good socket, so I need to find a proper piece for it that will fit on it better than this. This tiny bust will get dwarfed by it.

So here he is. All finished up for me at the moment. Could he use more, maybe. Do I have time or energy to do it, not really. Am I OK and satisfied with the outcome of him, yeah sure why not :)

I have another historical piece that has been sitting around for a while ( Facebook users will have seen a shot of him last night ) and I hope to get him finished before the end of the week! Let's see if that happens!

You can see it on Putty&Paint, though I don't suspect it to do very well with the above photos.

More to come this week, I hope! Enjoy!