Now these are chunky mofo's. Cetrainly a labour of love, I wouldn't want to paint anymore of these, they do take up some time, at one point I think I had over 50 components in the factory production line and that was with part built assemblies.
Every component has details and you need to part paint the innards before gluing together, a partlybuilt body with legs and basic arms can be done as one piece, followed by all the support struts, then weapons, cabling, more weapons, codpiece and finally shoulder pauldrons and head. Iused some Maximini skull helmets to emphasise the Relictors feel.
The Sergeant has TL Melta Guns, but the Centurion Marines will have TL Flamers. The Frag Assault Launchers in the chests will ensure they get into battle across terrain in a fit state and if charged may help them survive limiting the number of attacks. And those Siege Drills will make short work of Terminators, Vehicles and most Monstrous Creatures (if survive on Initiative). But I think they'll need a Landraider/StormRaven to get across the field!