Looks like Ophelia has had a bit of a make-over...as has her family...

The 'The Kin' box contains enough parts for eight miniatures (well nine technically but two of them go on the same base) ...namely Ophelia LaCroix, her Young LaCroix Totems (2SS each), Francois LaCroix (7SS), Raphael LaCroix (7SS), Rami LaCroix (7SS) and Pere Ravage (6SS). It also contains stat cards for each one and eight upgrade cards three of which are for Ophelia and five that are for any Kin.

This makes the Soulsstone value of the box...Ophelia LaCroix (0), Young LaCroix  (2, 2, 2), Francois LaCroix (7), Raphael LaCroix (7), Rami LaCroix (7) and Pere Ravage (6) Total (33) or (37) with a maximum Soulstone cache and (45) with maximum 'out of the box' upgrades.

The box has two sprues in it as well as the aforementioned cards...


Stat Cards.

Lets have a look at each of these in turn...should there be any assembly issues with any of the models then they will be listed in the appropriate section and you can view larger versions of the smaller pictures by clicking on them. Here's the instructions as well...just in case...

General Assembly Tips.
Some of the more delicate parts would be best removed with a sharp scalpel (as well as some care) as the pressure from the cutters could easily snap them. There are also several exceptionally tiny (even by Wyrd's standards) parts that would greatly benefit from a pair of tweezers during the assembly process. With the amount of small parts and the chance that glue will end up everywhere except where you wish it to go I have taken to putting a small drop of glue onto a suitable surface (such as a tile) and applying the aforementioned glue to the relevant spot with the tip and/or edge of a scalpel blade. Also the majority of the arms are thin and delicate so be careful at both the removal and clean-up stages.

Ophelia LaCroix.

The Sprue

Ophelia has a separate face and (the seemingly standard for Gremlins currently) separate tiny feet. The hat also has no specific location on the model (not that I can find at least) so I just put it in the same place as the picture.

A Comparison picture between the new plastic and original metal version.

Rami LaCroix.

The Sprue

Lets start with the twiddly bits...there's a small piece of rope/strapping that attaches to his belt. The rest of the models body is straightforward though the gun is in multiple parts...six in fact (three of which are gun barrel sections)...and the barrels are very thin indeed. The pig that's hanging off the guns rear as ballast is attached via a tiny string piece so be very careful when removing it from the sprue...the pig is in two pieces as well. There are indentations in the gun that match his ear and the thumb on is hand in order to align the gun correctly.

A Comparison picture between the new plastic and original metal version.

Francois LaCroix
The Sprue

Put the arms on before you put the cloak section on...other than that this model has no issues...well...other than the usual 'separate feet' one that you should have got used to by now...

A Comparison picture between the new plastic and original metal version.

Raphael LaCroix .

The Sprue

There's a thin strap that attaches to the belt and the knot of his neckerchief is separate but other than that this model has no issues. 

A Comparison picture between the new plastic and original metal version.

Pere Ravage.

The Sprue
Pere and his Pig are on separate sprues meaning you can pose them on their base however you please which is why in the assembled pictures I've photographed them separately.

Pere Ravage is fine...the pig however has two straps which make all my previous uses of the word 'tiny' seem a bit inadequate...personally I'd remove the straps from the sprue with a sharp scalpel not cutters. There's an obvious place for the jug to go but not one for the dynamite so I put it where I thought it looked best...

A Comparison picture between the new plastic and original metal version.

Young LaCroix

The Sprues

Young LaCroix 1 Assembled
Relatively simple to asemble though the head is in three parts and there are no real indentations in the parts to aid alignment so dry-fitting is recommended. The alignment of the cloth wasn't perfect though its nothing that a bit of liquid green stuff or hobby putty wont be able to sort out.

Young LaCroix 2 Assembled
The hands are on the trouser section of the model and the arms align to them so dry-fitting is highly recommended to ensure that the hands align with both the body and the trousers though even then you may need to fill a gap or two,

Young LaCroix 3 Assembled
The string on the catapult is thin so as with other similar parts be careful when removing from the sprue and during clean up. Alignment was surprisingly simple though I'm sure you wont be surprised to know that there's a separate foot...

A Comparison picture between the new plastic and original metal versions.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.