If you have not already seen it I would recommend reading this blog post first: Warriors of Order

Many months ago I was inspired by this piece of Oldhammer background that has never been retconned by GW but rather faded into obscurity. I began to think of what a Warriors of Order army would look like; who would worship the Gods of Law? where would they live? what was their motivation? All questions I pondered in earnest trying to come up with suitable answers. I scoured the internet to see if anyone had done such an army before but found little beyond the information from the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay book I already had.

Thus I decided that I would design a Warriors of Order army from scratch using my own original ideas; creating background and a unique aesthetic for this faction. This will only be a small project but one that promises to be interesting and perhaps labour intensive. How far I go beyond concept sketches and a few test models I don't know but I will post all of this potentially interesting project whatever path it may take.

On the blog I will be posting WIP pictures of the models as they progress and I will also be scanning pages of my sketchbook which will sporadically appear when I don't have any meaningful progress to show. I will forewarn you now that I am not great at drawing and I tend to write nonsensical rubbish a lot but they should at least give you a rough idea of what I am aiming for. I will leave you now with a brief bit of a blurb outlining who I intend them to be:

"The end times have come and Mankind does not recognise its doom. The Great Enemy has burst forth from the north once more and the feeble gods of the Old World can do nothing to stop the Dark Powers from casting all to ruin. We have sat aloof above this world in our Sky-Temples for too long and as the power of Chaos waxes we must do everything in our power to preserve the Light Immutable. It is time that the Disciples of Alluminas walk the earth again and bring the Ultimate Truth to the heathen mongrels of the world. The Angels shall fly once more as heralds of holy justice come to deliver the ignorant into the loving arms of the Gods of Law!"

- Lord-Prophet Morzhar the Bringer of Law

On another note I will be starting university in the next few weeks so will have no time to properly work on the blog. For the next month or so I am going to schedule posts to be uploaded automatically so that you will still get regular uploads but I won't be around to update pages, comments, etc. If this experiment is successful I will continue uploading in this way.

Doombringer out.