I've got 3 squads if deathwing terminators to do so here's the first squad almost finished (barring the crux terminatus pads). I decided to go with regular marine helmets rather than the termy ones as I think that they just look cooler and I didn't have any termy powerfist arms, only the deathwing ones from the upgrade sprus so I had to do some cutting and splicing and dicing of the deathwing sword arms I had and some marine powerfist  arms and voila; instant terminator powerfist arms with a bit more character to them. Now hopefully when my other 10 terminator legs and torsos arrive from eBay I'll have a squad of powerclaw termies and a squad of thunder hammer & storm shield termies. My buddy Carl us letting me dive into his bits box tomorrow for termy arms :-). God I love that guy.

So here's the first squad (before primer and paint)

Let me know what you think so far.