Well i set my self a challenge the other month to paint at least one kill point a month as im sick of having unpainted armies when i play 40k (well, when i get chance to play that is).

I think its safe to say that ive been doing quite well. This post is going to be quite picture heavy as ive done pretty well. A couple of models were already painted but ive FINISHED the squads to make the kill points (apart fromchaplain Cypher of course as he is a whole kill point on his own (-; ).

Ive been into the hobby since near the end of 4th, so i was about 25, but only started painting my models a year ago after reading up on painting moldels from alot of blogs, and to be honest, if it wasnt for reading other peoples blogs for tips and tricks i dont think i would've ever started. But now i have started and am improving with each model i paint i still read a lot of blogs to keep me motivated, as i dont think i would have pulled my finger out to get my toys finished if it wasn't for the inspiration i get from seeing all the great FINISHED models i see on the blogosphere (even just the odd one off models people paint for the sake of doing a different colour marine). I especially want to thank Ron from, from the warp as its his blog that motivates me A LOT, his painting is great and his advice is even better. Even with the cutbacks in posts due to his house having a fight with a flying tree his blog is still pure gold. Hope you get sorted soon Ron and get a brand new geek space to mess up again.

Anyway folks heres the models ive got done in the last 2 months. (Except for the razor back though, i did that a year ago)

And yes i am quite smug of my efforts :-)

P.S Thanks again Ron for kranking out great models and blog articles that have helped me get these bad boys done. Only 4 speeders a rhino ,a land speeder 20 scouts 5 assault marines 20 marines Ezekiel and a tech marine to do now..................................... oh god help me lol.

THEN i can start on finishing my Tau.

I really wish i hadnt tried doing a lightning effect on this guys sword, i think i might go back to him and drybrush some zenithal effecsts instead like the other guys weapons. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say.

The razorback is the first model i ever painted so its not quite upto scratch with the rest.

So please leave me a comment/criticism/advice.........your call, i welcome it all

So till next time.....................Oorah!!!!