As promised, here is even more Zombicide Monochrome action painting. First up, The Beserkers!

Zombies that you cannot shoot makes Phil very sad hes only armed with a shotgun.

Again, following Carmen's (master of Monochrome) advice, I went with the red/orange/yellow range for these guys. I love the monocolour effect, the best thing about it is that it is not time consuming.  Dry-brushing is your friend. 

The major difference between our paint jobs is I went for a deeper set of colours. Just a personal preference. 

A Toxic Green coalition.......   that's a truly lame NZ Political reference

Same again here, I went for deeper greens and more emphasis on highlighting the bejesus out of the flesh areas. 

On the table, I just love the look. One thing I disliked about other peoples "expertly painted" zombie hordes is that..... frankly.... it's a waste of time and effort as well as a bit blurry.

The Monostyle look means you can see what Zombies are what with a minimal amount of fuss. In addition, I think it adds to the cinematic flavour of the game as well. 

I also picked up some nice simple stack-able boxes to store the zombies in. The individual storage trays from the games are very very space consuming. Especially now the zombie count is over 100.