Just got home from the GBHL run Desolation of Stockport 2.0 SBG tournament and have to say James, Jamie , Damian and Thomas you did yourselves proud yet again.  Great to see some familiar faces as well as meeting some new people too.  Kamil Domanski , Ian Marley and Shaun Hunt you guys are awesome!!!!!  oh and not forgetting Pindergorn too lol.

Anyway the guys from the channel gave Dave a Radagast model to convert into a Mounted version.  The model was then passed to myself for painting.  I took the model along to Stockport with me and here are the results.  Baring in mind this model was painted with THE WORST hangover I've ever experienced in my life.

Mounted Radagast is on Cool Mini Or Not for voting.  Please Click Here to register a vote.

Mounted Radagast current CMON rating

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