WOO I managed to squeeze in a tournament! This was my first action since Templecon in February. Needless to say I was a tad rusty. That, and this was my first 40k action in 7th edition... and I was playing my Lamenters.  I had very low expectations for the day!

Sorry no footage, when I pulled out my camera after leaving it plugged in all night, it was out of charge.. not sure what the dilly is.

It did not take long to get bad news. The Lamenter Curse was strong.  My first draw was my friend Alex Fennel.  Take one of the best 40k players in the world, give him a fairly good White Scars bike army whith a knight and thunderfire, pretty much designed to slaughter mech space marines, and this would spell doom for my poor boys in yellow. Aside from my Vanguard Vets heroic assaulting his Thunderfire and killing the techmarine... the only wounds I inflicted upon him were from the explosions of my vehicles.  In fact it got to a point that I was ramming my tanks into his ranks just so they would explode and cause wounds!  Not much to say about the game. Alex tabled me in 3 turns after shooting down my Storm Raven and killing all inside.

Game two found me up against a nasty Ork list.  My opponent wasted no time boxing me into a corner and tightening the noose. But one valiant sergeant with a power fist charged his large squad of bikes that was about to run down my back ranks, and challenged his warboss. The warboss failed to kill the Sgt though. He had some weapon that was rending or something, not a klaw.  He failed to rend and I got saves... made them all, then punched him in the face... killing him and winning combat, thus chasing off the rest of the squad!  (I shot them up with the storm raven.)  This turned the tide. The storm raven was in play and he had little he could do about it and my termies and dread were running amok in his ranks. His most dangerous squad to them, mega nobs with klaws, was committed in the corner of the table, which I vacated with fast vehicles.  They were much out of reach.  So my heavy hitters proceeded to slaughter two full squads of orks and two battle wagons. Meanwhile my fast rhino was zooming off to take an objective while my vets heroic assaulted his sole remaining troops squad, some grots, and wiped them out. Next thing you know the game was over and I was the victor!  Steve was a fun opponent and the game was a pleasure. This time the dice favored me and I escaped with a win!

My last game was against a nasty flying demon army. He had 5 or so, plus a walker thing and a summoning portal which he threw into the middle of the table on an objective that was worth 5 points. This was where the action would take place.  He had a lot of nasty tricks including invisibility which pretty much rendered a squad of dog things unkillable. He also had abilities that gave some of his flying demons a 2+ jink, and lots of bonuses to his invuls.  I reserved every thing, and then it all came on at once except for the vets.  The scouts committed by charging his back ranks. He had some 4 wound per base nurgle things, and a squad of cultists. The scouts ran up and popped their pistol shots then waited for oblivion since they cannot charge. Thankfully my opponent left them pretty much unmolested since he did not see them as a threat. Boy was he wrong!

The scouts would go on to wipe out the nurglings, then the cultists, as they were left unaided because the vets were again held up in deepstrike.  They would not come on until the 4th round, when they heroic assaulted a squad of demonetes, wiping them out. They would later go on to claim an objective.  So after my initial charge was mostly wiped out, my Raven dropped off the termies and dread who went to work doing their thing. The Termies tarpitted the walker and dogs, while the captain split off to assault some plague bearers with the dread. I wiped them almost all out, but by some chaos trickery, he rolled double 1s on his test and managed to get them all back on the table.  But after another round or so I finished them off.  The dread would remain to wipe out the portal that was summoning demons and the captain moved on to take out more nurglings and claim an objective. The scouts would remain the rest of the game with their cloaks giving them a 2+ cover save.  The raven would start dealing heavy damage once I figured out which demons to shoot with it... I threw what was left of my assault marines at his demons to slow them down, then moved to take the objectives. In the end, I was sitting on most of them and won the game!

Yet another great game. Ray was a polite and professional player and he taught me a lot about the new psychic game, patiently answering all of my questions and humoring my naivety. You cannot ask for a better opponent!

In all I had a good day, taking 4th or 5th and scoring 2 wins for Sanguinius. It proved that with smart tactics, the right opponents and a lot of luck, I can win some games.

 Could this mean possible glory at Battle for Salvation?

More to come!