The above is a model that I'm working on for a friend.  He put together the metal and plastic sections and I'm bulking up the rest and filling in with greenstuff as required.  This is by far the largest conversion and greenstuff job that I have ever done and really pushed my greenstuffing skills.  I'm certainly not very good (at least in my mind), but I have learnt a bit from doing this job and hopefully he likes it.  As far as further greenstuffing goes, I'm thinking about adding a small line of greenstuff around the bottom robe as a bit of a hem, but it will be tricky and time consuming (for my skills at least), and I want his input before I go ahead.  I would like to do further work on the back, but am not exactly sure how to approach it, so it'll probably stay how it is.

 A shot of the back of the model.  note the large amounts of sanding and filing because I suck.

A shot from the side, showing off the arrangement I cam up with for continuing the "belt" a little better.  I'm not entirely unhappy with that part of the model.
