Hey folks!

Next up on catching up on blogposts is a giant yellow tank! Client has a Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists army *drools* and wanted his Felblade done up as a centerpiece for it! We did some talking, and he wanted to break up the yellow, yet still keep it recognizable as an Imperial Fists vehicle. Enter weathering powders!

The beast in all her glory! I started by priming the model black, the spraying it brown, then dusting with white and grey. Black areas were masked off, then weathered with the rest of it. 

I used a combination of dark brown, light brown, grey, orange, and black weathering powders on it, working mostly into crevices and front edges to show weathering and dirt coverage. Several coats of varnish were applied to keep the powder on the model. 

The Fist is some leftover Brass etching I got from a commission a LONG time ago. You can also see, through the dust, the name 'Hammer of Dorn'. I tried to imitate the scrimshaw that the Imperial Fists become known for. 

The decals are from the Baneblade transfer sheet and the blocky, Bauhaus-style font really works for the Imperial Fists. 

I had a ton of fun with this model, I may have to do another one in the future sometime! Just need to find a Marine chapter I want to work on for a bit! Iron Hands? Crimson Fists? Rainbow Warriors? Oh help us!

Working on yet another Knight Titan at the moment, still waiting on the Reaver to fully arrive. Should be really interesting, I love huge Forge World models! Still need to show off the Nurgle Daemons too! Man, I really am behind!
