There I sat, loudmouthed proclaiming to my friends that the WHQ box was fully playable with monsters, board tiles and what not. Unfortunately we decided to use the Idol Chamber as the Objective Room and rolled a 3. “Kill the Shaman”? Ok, never played that one, let’s read the description first:

A powerful Goblin Shaman is foretelling of a great Waaagh to come soon, when the Goblins and Orcs will sweep out of the Dark Lands and overthrow the Empire. Although not very powerful at the moment, his cult is growing stronger and unrest is beginning to stir.
So as not to raise suspicions and warn him of his intentions, the Emperor has decreed that the best way to solve the crisis is to assassinate the Shaman. The Warriors have been chosen to venture into the Shaman’s lair below Mount Gunbad, on the far side of the Worlds Edge Mountains, and kill him.

Yea, well … the idea is to prox the Shaman with a regular Goblin from the box. Sure thing buddy! As if I was making all the effort with this game and would have to use a proxy in the end. The Shaman even has unique rules and is able to cast the spell “Hand of Mork”.
This was a bit embarrassing and we just moved on and rolled for another quest. But I made a note in my mind that I was in direst need of a Goblin Shaman!

So I went through my models here and even if I had a cool Night Goblin Shaman still lying around I went for something else. You may now say this was because I just searched for an excuse to spend money again (and you would be probably right). But when I looked at the head count of my two Goblin tribes which inhabit my Dungeon it was quite obvious that the regular Goblins needed some support as the Night Goblins are much stronger in numbers. I’ve always liked the new plastic Shaman sans his head. If you would like to know why I dislike his tiny nose etc. read my rant in the comments section here (who wouldn’t?).
Anyway, I think the Gretchin head did a great job to bring him more in line (as an old chap he is of course allowed to be a bit smaller than the rest) with the other Goblins and the extra skull makes him look even more mysterious.

The Goblin Shaman...

The Goblin Shaman… now ready for the heroes.

…is now ready for the heroes.

The regular Goblin tribe is still the minority.

The regular Goblin tribe is still the minority.

The Night Goblins (and their pets) are the more common Goblins under the Mountain Gunbad.

The Night Goblins (and their pets) are the more common Goblins under the Mountain Gunbad.