The Overlord twitched and sparked from shattered limbs. “You’re gods cannot protect you, vermin. The Dynasty will destroy your flesh bodies and you will accept your cold fate.”
“Do not speak to me of flesh bodies. You know so little, for such an ancient species”, the dreadnought intoned, traces of regret in its voice. Its clamp-like hands crushed the life-force from the Necron construct, twisting metal and shattering metallic bones. Dropping the dead machine, the Dreadnought ground a huge armoured foot into the remains, which phased out of reality with a green glow. 

The Dreadnought has been stripped down and rebuilt in its entirety, with a greater emphasis on the chaos aspect.

 I’ve added additional riveted trim around the legs and hip sections, as well as around the collar.

These spike racks helps add to the chaotic look, whilst not being too extravagant or overbearing. They've been fitted so that they mirror in size and position.

Both arms have been magnetised, to allow for a greater variety of weapons load-outs. For now I only have the two power fists, but I hope to get more options in the future.

The power fists have been modified extensively. The left has been given a crushed Necron. This was the pilot leftover from my Tomb stalker/Defiler conversion, with plenty of battle damage.

Arm number two was the result of a random idea formed from spare parts from Nagash. Using some of the spirit components, I gave the power fist, which previously had a flamer, a Soul Burner. This simple addition makes for a terrifying and cool piece of daemonic archeotech.

There is very little lift to do on this mode; mostly just finishing up the little details here and there. The paint scheme will be the same as before, just more refined, and with improved weathering.