Hey there peoples of teh interwebanetosphere! What is it that is up?

Today is a sorta inspired post plus the fulfilling of the need to break something. It has also been a looooong time since the last Derp It Yerself (Ya dumbass) article, so eh. REASONS!

It's been a long day at work (0445 wake up X.x) and I started 25 mins early to help out (turns out every ward sent their morning bloods from 0300 to 0500 all together at 0530- not pleasant).  So apologies for 'meh' English, bad grammar and typos.

Moving on, a while back Senor Bush Craft was talking about making glowy things made of awesome and I want me some-a dat. Since there's an electronics store that deals in components nearby, LEDs may or may not be purchased along with other stuff in the forseeable . I say maybe, as the burnout and lack of sleep is taking its toll. -_- 

The only disposable electronic thingy around thus far was an el cheapo LED torch (partially deconstructed) which was the subject of "hey, there's LEDs there, it must be electronic!" Full disclosure: This ended in disappointment as the LEDs are clipped and soldered onto a board but may come in handy sometime in the future.

The thumb and finger of creation. Plus a watch. Which is symbolic.

So a power pack is obtained *sound effect* and there's already batteries inside. Huzzah! I also obtained the wrong sort of batteries (as in lacking the little yellow thing around the side) for replacing old batteries in retro video games (GameBoy Color and Advance games, respectively. Don't you judge me, we all like different things) so they'll also be used as sources of power.

If only
Not that kind of power, though it'd be nice to do that. Think of all the bacon you could cook. Then there's the metal casing, with which to get to the electronic stuff you need to wreck with small hobby pliers.

Name with symbolic watch in background. Being symbolic.
For Aussie viewers, these are available from your local K-mart or whatever for about $5.

I wanted to get to these cuz I was under the pretense they were individually stuck in there. A lack of sleep may have influenced this line of thought.

Swiss army knife corkscrews are good for something after all! This metal disc thingy was removed via pliers after said corkscrew bent it a bit out of place. After that was removed, the LEDs could be removed :D

There ended up being a plastic disc (thought it was metal until I removed the LEDs... another component for something, huzzah!

Then there is this thingy, which is totally getting plasticard rods inserted into it to make a dakka dakka dakka dakka gatling gun thing for 40k Orks.
Dakka dakka dakka *gatling sounds*
Then there was the moment of :(
The LEDs were pre-clipped and soldered leaving them all stuck together, drastically reducing their utility. Ah well, a use will be found eventually for them (and the spring may disappear)

So LEDs may indeed be acquired sometime soon cuz of this. I can't make cool glowy shit with this D: I need components!

The Warlock