Damn I'm lazy. Here's what's went down the last three games of league.

Game 2 at 500 points saw me draw with Eldar cause #*$@ing pathfinders kept stunning my land speeders and a Warlock with a spear blew them up *sigh*.

Game 3 was at 1000 pts. I added to my list from 500 by adding 5 Thunderwolves 3 with storm shields, two regular, a Wolf Priest, and in a break from my heavy selection I took an Autocannon Pred with layzcannon sponsons. I like that config. It seemed to work well. I ended up losing to Grey Knights in what could be one of the saddest games played. 5 full turns I had 1 kill point and he had 2.

Game 4 again 1000 pts. I changed my list again adding my standard Rune Priest instead of the Wolf Priest. Kept the T-Wolves and the Pred. Once again I tied. Playing against Ravenwing. The Wolves made their points back by taking a full bike squad, an attack bike and Sammeal out. Game ended before I could get them back across the table to take out the last two bikes he had. I only had two wolves, one of my troop squads and the pred left at the end. It was brutal.

That brings me up to date right now I'm 0-1-3 giving me a -1 score.

Painting wise, I'm working on the thunderpuppies and I'm not posting pics till they're done. I finally got the bases for them and I am still impressed how well these look on the field. The riders are primed and ready for paint but I'm gonna finish the puppies first. I don't want to leave yall empty handed so here's a couple of pics of my finished and converted Razorback that I never did post up. Enjoy.