And let slip the dogs of war!

Guess it's time to let the cat, er, wolves out of the bag. I finally got my order in from armorcast for my Thunder Wolves.
At $11 each I just had to get 5 of them. They're from Baelor miniatures and cast in resin. I'm pretty happy with them. There are some pretty noticeable flaws though. First off, these ain't Forge World models, and for 11 bucks no one should expect them to be. There's some excess resin in hard to get out places and 2 of the 4 paws are gunked enough that you can't see the claws. I'm ok with that though since I'll be using snow basing and can easily cover that up. Second, the breastplating is very, very thin. On all but one model it has totally broke through. Again, pretty big flaw but with my recent purchase of liquid green stuff, it's pretty easy to fix. Size wise, they're bloody huge. Here's a few comparison shots, 

Notice in the last one, that by themselves they're almost tall enough to give cover to a razorback. Put a rider on them and they're more than tall enough. Circle them around a Rhino w/ Rune Priest and have a rolling Living Lightning with a permanent 4+ cover save, well, at least until you go eat something.

The only other thing that I'm kinda meh about is that they're all the same pose. Looking the models over I just don't see any way to convert or change the pose they're in, but this is a minor detail and I'll just have to get over it. Now I just have to get them painted and seeing how excited I've been about getting them, I don't think that'll take to long.