This week I dedicated some time to starting to clear off a bunch of half-painted stuff from the hobby table. I've been tinkering around with a bunch of RPG models recently. 18 are on the table, and finishing off these six brings me down to an even dozen.

This is a mishmash of figures. First were three "baggage"-class models from Otherworld Miniatures. They came from Otherworld's Henchmen boxed set.

These three are random figures from Reaper. The farmer is from a Townsfolk blister. The panther came from a Pathfinder pack along with a Gnome Druid (which has gone into the parts bin). Finally, the female ranger was a personality figure from the Dark Heavens line.

Anyway...they were all nice figures to paint. Lots of detail on the Otherworld stuff...but I particularly liked the Reaper farmer...nice exaggerated detail in the face.

'Til next time!