A little while back (here) I had assembled a bunch of Thallax so that I could really expand the beefy (yet fleshless) core of my Mechanicum force - after playing a few games, Toughness 5 and 3 Wounds is certainly nothing to sneeze at!
Well, over the last week I've finished off the last eight : )
After applying the weathering powders to their bases, I plonked them in the pile with my other Thallax so I could apply a cog decal to all of their left shoulders. Once I'd done that I couldn't pick out which models I'd just finished, so I figured I'd show you the whole lot, all 21 of them (see above).
The shoulder icon is from the FW Iron Hands decal sheet. I chose this particular one as it has three nuts arranged in a pattern like the three skulls of the post-Heresy Death Guard. A nice little connection if I run them with my pre-Heresy Death Guard ; )
And finally, as with all of my Mechanicum army, they are standing on Tech Deck bases from Dragon Forge Design. Jeff is currently running a Kickstarter to expand the size of one of his most popular lines. Click HERE, or on the image on the top right of this page, to check it out!