Hey internet peeps!

You know how you get burn out and all that? Since my 28 page and 12 week project is complete and it's just exams now, something I thought lost to me has returned: My painting mojo! :D

The difference being mine's for painting, alas.
And so, having been freed from the shackles of the Quality Control Project. The Warlock took up his brush again and strode into the chaos...

Okay, maybe it wasn't that dramatic but it really felt good to pic up a brush, shake up some paint and lay into some old-school citadel/marauder dark elf corsairs :) Yes, my mojo was found in Naggaroth. Amazing what Dark Elves will plunder from you. There's 30 of these corsairs (27+cmd) and picking up from the part-way done test model, I give you:

loving the drybrushed scales
This guy was started waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in JUNE. As you can see, he's missing an axe but sporting a lovely blue-grey sea dragon cloak. One thing Warhammer fantasy beats 40k at is ease of painting- It's easier to drybrush your way to victory then worry about streaks on All Those Smooth Surfaces. :P

No, not the brush! Not the brus-aaaaarrrghhbgfdisgdjfak!

Below is the completed test model for my regiment/s of Druchii corsairs (thinking 3 units of 10 or 2 of 15). I'm going to try and locate a 6th edition book for them as I'm sorta over modern GW editions. Plus, 6th is what I got in on and so on. Using a selection of brushes and paint brands, the mojo was rediscovered and the test corsair is now ready to plunder and pillage...erm, I mean redistribute wealth across the Olde Worlde.

Might pin a sword or something on later.

To be honest, I am gonna miss my old citadel paints once they dry up eventually- noone does a silver metallic quite like the old citadel paints. Still, Vallejo comes close. Not quite, but close. :)
The posse, consisting of the initial eight as the other 22 are either sitting in dettol or awaiting their rejuvenating dettol spa treatment. My workbench as such is my 'table' as my current abode is a bit tiny. Being a Warlock is kinda like a Genie: PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER! Itty bitty living space.

Sometime soon after exams I should try and figure out what part of Naggaroth these dudes hail from and write some kinda fluff to go with the army. I know it'll have to be on the coastline somewhere as I've a metric shiteload of corsairs. There's the 30 metal, then 20 plastic and the loadout is probably all going to be 2 hand weapons, leaving ranged attacks to warriors and sorceresses (I need to get some of those, maybe hit up bitz stores).

As of this stage, the first 8 have been armour washed and are awaiting some layers onto their basecoats. It feels sweet to start painting again and just have at it! :) Man, burnout was hell, but now that freedom is around the corner and general nice weather (26 degrees Celsius) is happening, I may indeed finish an army by February.