Obligatory Exposition

From the land of the ice and snow, the rugged northlands, come our heroic adventurers.  The group of six have made their way here to the southlands to aid the soft folk of this land by crushing skulls and invoking the Immortals of the north.  Consisting mostly of native Vestlanders, the group also has a few strange foreign wizards in it's midst.

Now, in Kerendas, the party is hired by the small town of Arbora to deal with some pesky looters that have taken up residence in an abandoned Thyatian outpost nearby.  Unconcerned with the specifics on the 'whys', Herek Uthbar asks about the 'hows' - specifically, how the town would prefer delivery of proof of death or capture.  Heads?  Ears?  Corpses?  Taken aback at the sheer confidence displayed by the northmen, the townsfolk don't ask for heads.

Calmly explaining they would need a horse and cart, some leather and hay, the warriors wasted no time in taking the fight to their quarry's  home. A short time later, they had cut cords of the leather and bound bundles of hay.  The purpose?  Arson, of course.

A few burning men, prisoners taken and skulls crushed later, the party's fire has been doused.  They have entered the ruined keep, making a mess of the guards in the entryway.  Now, they stand ready to breach the inner door and find the rest of the looters...