By CaulynDarr

A few months back Fantasy Flight announced a new set of apocalypse themed role-playing games. They where introduced as having a novel concept in the genre.  You play as yourself.  And you start the game wherever you are when you start playing.  You then take yourself though the scenario of a zombi plague, alien invasion, or the rise of the machines.  I thought the concept had some promise.

Fantasy Flight just put out the first rules teaser.

In it, they describe how to generate the game version of yourself.  It's a simple point-buy system where you add points in various mental and physical attributes.  Then comes the fun part:
After I create the initial characteristics for my character, the group has the chance to vote on the accuracy of the result. For each category, the group secretly votes whether a characteristic should be raised or lowered. In my case, the group determines that one of my physical characteristics should be raised, and I raise my dexterity by one point, giving me a final dexterity of three.
I'm dreading the poor sap who gives his logic a 4 only to be voted down unanimously by all his buddies.  Dunning-Kruger is a thing

Look at it this way.  I mostly play RPGs with people I work with.  Both the president of my company and a senior engineering manager were in my last Edge of the Empire game.  This kind of character creation could get rather...awkward.  I guess it could double as a really unconventional annual skills assessment.

Now back to my regularly scheduled Destiny.