Hi folks - just a quick sneak peek into what I am going to be working on for the foreseeable future:

Yes - its a Chaos Warhound titan! I thought it was about time I joined the big boys (well...LordH and Siph at least) and started tooling the Iron Warriors up with some super-heavy support.

I am hoping to blog my way through the entire process - design, build and paint, so that folks can see how you go from approx 200 bits of resin to a bad-ass titan.

The kit only turned up yesterday, so at this stage I am still researching build tutorials and working out how I want it posed and based - so if you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments.

In the mean time I will still be painting my way through a backlog of mini's and throwing them up on here for you to check out when I finally remember to take some pics.

Iron Within!