Morning folks - just a quick post from me; tomorrow is Blog Wars 8 and despite only having one game of 7th Ed since its release, I will be there with my Iron Warriors - attempting to throw down with the best of them!
If anyone reading this doesn't know about Blog Wars, its a great 1 day tournament that encourages friendly gamers to bring friendly lists and friendly games. Alex from From the Fang has been organising them all himself and does a stellar job - there is always great prize support and I've been lucky enough to walk away from most events with either a podium/painting, raffle or spot prize.

As I've said, I will obviously be taking my Iron Warriors, but my personal life has taken over my hobby life recently so I am ashamed to say I wont be taking a very different list to BW (which admittedly did ok...) so this time I wont be entering the painting competition.

The list I am taking is:

HQ Price
1 Abaddon 265

10 CSM 140
10 VotLW 10
2 Plasma Guns 30
1 Rhino 35
1 Havoc Launcher 12

10 CSM 140
10 VotLW 10
2 Plasma Guns 30
1 Rhino 35
1 Havoc Launcher 12

12 Cultists 58

12 Cultists 58

3 Terminators 95
2 Power Fists 14
1 Power Sword -

1 Helbrute 100
1 T/L Lascannon 25
1 Missile Launcher 10

3 Obliterators 210
3 Mark of Nurgle 18
3 VotLW 9

3 Obliterators 210
3 Mark of Nurgle 18
3 VotLW 9

1 Vindicator 120
1 Combi-Bolter 5

Fast Attack
1 Heldrake 170
Hades Autocannon -

Army Total 1848

The main difference between BW 7 and 8 lists is that I have added VotLW where possible, which means I have had to swap out a Heldrake for a cheaper Vindicator. I am hoping the changes to 7th Ed mech might mean that my normally dead-in-T1 Vindi will be a bit more survivable and help getting rid of Terminator squads that I inevitably seem to come up against (that the now semi-nerfed Heldrake really isn't useful against).

Anyway - fingers it goes well - a write-up will follow.