As you read this I will already be in the air flying off to Italy for the mega end of year modeling show, Monte San Savino!

Each time I have gone to an event this year, Monte will come up in conversation. Every time I speak to someone about it, it is brought back with excitement for the show. Though it has been very very busy over the last weeks for work, life, and events... I am looking forward to this trip.

Half because I have never been to Italy before and that alone is going to be pretty cool. But also because of the way in which people go to these kind of events. Renting out villas, going in large groups, and staying together to really have that community aspect. Really curious how it will be, and to see all the talent that will be on display there.

Heck.. this blog post is not making my life any easier for expectations!

Just to soak in all the inspiration will be worth the trip in the end.. and I hope so cause getting up at 2am to get to the airport on time needs some sort of reward!

So expect to see a lot of updates ( I hope! ) on my facebook page over the weekend... and at the very least the full review of the show next week ( if I have the energy to make it happen! ).