I'm picking up the pace a bit in anticipation of a new round of  Raging Heroes arrivals!  No date yet but seems like I'd better clear the deck while I can!  So... post 2 this week!

Mimi the Radio for the Jailbirds faction. 

I like how the flesh turned out here and might have to use this combo more often.  The head is also wonderfully detailed with enormous hoop earrings, big sun glasses, and a headset.

The color density on these is improving as I get a handle on the Secret Weapon Washes.  I've moved most of the GW washes into glaze and light shadow duty while big shading and tinting is being done with Secret Weapon. 

I seem to have overlooked the face on the little Beanie Baby hanging from the back!  oops... amazing the things you miss until the photo is staring back at you.

 This model is posed in a way that makes it easier to use very busy bases.  the right leg can also be angled to give a couple of 'control' effects to the run over the terrain.

 The informal uniforms continue.  The plan is to incorporate several common elements in different ways to end up with a force that looks ragtag and haphazard... but also cohesive... at least to the extent that they all should look like they belong together... the anti uniform.

The Death Marshals for Malifaux 2e are starting with a base texture that will hopefully blend well with all the Tabletop World terrain that they will most likely be spending their game time inhabiting.

Speaking of Tabletop World... a sneak peek of the 'Building of the Week'  next week will be the furniture for use in the Coaching Inn that was this week's 'Tabletop World Building of the Week'.  Perfectly clean as usual!  Primed up and ready to paint.