Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, I am still in the grip of massive overtime at work - with one colleague sick and another currently caught on leave.  So I am struggling to keep a lid on things; scrounging a little time for everything, including eating and sleeping!

Well I did have half a day off, and I spent several hours of it painting up the Conan model I started/restarted last week.  I finished off the basic coats and have now started to add highlights and shadows to it. 

The helmet I have not worked on yet, but when I have finished with the first round of highlights and shadows, and test fit the model to the base; I usually then go around a second time deepening or brightening up the shadows and highlights respectively according to the need.

As for the base, I have finished up the stakes and painted up the bronze shield and standard.  I have to admit I enjoyed doing these more than the model!  The next step with the base is the flora and ground work which I will add when the Conan model is finally ready.

Well, once again that's all for now.  I will try and finish the model by next week.  after that I will start the Wolverine model.  I took a look at it and I have to say it is one badly cast piece.  I think it is going to take a lot of work to get it up to standard, but that is for another post.

Until next time, farewell and good health from Nightrunner!
