Time for another Sunday Editorial, the time and place that I get to chat about things that mattered me this week in the Hobby. General Ramblings, Ideas, Questions and other nonsense! This week was about me getting back into the swing of things.

Schedule, Life and Work:

So, this week has been great. I have been working my backside off at work. The trip to calgary was a heralding to a new line of work, so! Because work has now increased for me a lot, I am had to drop out of a league that I was going to participate in with my Revenant Titan! Oh well. Do any of you have life getting in the way of gaming? This is the first time really in three years that I am too busy to game… and its wierd for me.

This week I have not really done any “hobby” per say. I filmed another tactical video, and it has been received quite well (on reaver jetbikes, its on the youtube channel if you want to see it). I have to continue making those videos, almost done! I have quite a lot still to paint and build for the massive 10k in 10 challenge that my friend pete and I are playing. So I shall take some more pics as it continues.

Youtube channel!:
Almost at 4000 subscribers! I am very excited that folks like to see what I produce. I am not near how good I can be at making content, but I do strive to make fun and informative stuff! There will be a CONTEST… giveaways and what not. With a video up soon to outline how its going to work.

Well, this is a wall of text now. Thanks for reading! And stay tuned for the rest of the week, as I continue to provide content and what not! If you have any questions write them here, ill get to them on the next sunday editorial.
