Saturday was the Baltimore Brawl.  It was the first event of this size in MD and it was well attended.  I think the final numbers were about 30 participants.  Not bad for a start.

I brought my Haqq for a final outing in ITS2014.  I went 2-2 and ended in 13th place not bad considering the competition.

Round 1 was against Mik for Haqq on Haqq violence on Supplies.  Mik won the WIP roll and choose initiative.  I decided to choose deploying first to use Saladin to his fullest.  The match was pretty even.  He took a box and then got killed.  I then took a box and had the lead going into round 3.  Then it fell apart.  I tried to my classified when I loss my box but Mik got me.  My Fiday was useless. LOSS 7-0.

Round 2 was against a very pregnant women named Tiffany on Antenna Field.  She played JSA and the first thing she said was, "I never played Haqq before.".  My Fiday was the all star.  Killing the CoC and part of a link then surviving a ton of AROs and killing her LT and hacker.  The game went south for her pretty fast.  She was loss of LT the entire game and hurting.  She did stop me from getting my classified but couldn't do much. WIN 9-0.

Round 3 was against Ryann and his Nomads for Quad Control.  Game was fun.  I basically had a great start.  I managed to take out 5 orders from his pool and started at 2-0.  Unfortunately, I played too aggressive and should have stayed hunkered down but I didn't and it cost me.  He came back well and took the game in the end.  LOSS 4-3.

Round 4 was against Jeff and his JSA on Seize the Antenna.  He said he was having a bad dice day.  I started off with 2 antennas.  He proceeded to dismantle me on his active phase.  He sent me in retreat.  He looked at me and said, "you in retreat?"  He then smiled and started complaining about breaking his rule.  WIN 6-0.

It was great event.  I managed to get a $50 GC for Swift Brush.  The bad thing about that is I will have a great model or models painted by him next to my suck arse painting. :)

Thanks to Bloodgod for some of the pics.