So I was digging in the bits box this morning as well as in some boxes of old stuff and I came across some things that gave me an idea for CBT terrain.  I give you my version of an HPG station.  (Bills will be via ComStar, no Wobblies allowed.)

 I think I'm happy with how it all came out, though I need to get it primed and some paint on it at some point.  It should make a nice addition to our terrain for these scale games anyway which mainly consists of low hills, some trees, and some rather interesting paper buildings that Master Cheef has.

On the Eridani Light Horse front, everything that is here is currently painted.  I'm still missing the 12 mechs that will be formed from the RoboTech pre-order that I placed.  Unfortunately they're still several shipping containers away from finishing all the Kickstarter orders before they get around to pre-orders.  My current hope is that I'll see these before February.  This will give me 4 Warhammers/Hammerhands, 4 Riflemen, 2 Longbows, and 2 Archers.  The Longbows and 2 Riflemen are slated for the AA lance in the 1st Armored Infantry Battalion with the rest rounding out Battalion and Company command lances.
I have managed some pretty good deals and trades on the Battletech Trade and Sell Facebook group, and other than the previously mentioned mechs, I've got full battalions completed and I'm ready to begin the last mech battalion of the 21st Striker Regiment.  That battalion is a bit heavy in aerospace so I'll be looking to add 28 Mechs and 8 aerospace fighters to build the entire battalion to the TOE.  I've got a trade in the works that exchanges 10 mechs from a Citytech box set for 10 mechs in the weight class and style I'm looking for.  I'm getting rid of a pair each of Daishis, Blackhawks, Victors, Ullers, and Centurians and receiving 3 Cicadas, 2 Commandos, 2 Assassins, a Trebuchet, a Javelin, and a Dervish.  This will get the 3rd Striker Battalion started, though it'll be far from complete.

So all in all it's going pretty decent on the Battletech front and hopefully I'll survive the upcoming holidays at work to be able to get a lot more gaming in the future.

That's all for now and I'll see you all later.