Howdy folks!

It's been a busy week! This time, we've got a couple of Knight Titans and some additional Warhound arms! For those of you who don't know, this is an add-on to a series of commissions I completed in May and in August. I've included pictures of these commissions at the end! Anyways, you're here for pictures! So....

The Questoris Knight Magaera was a ton of fun to work on and is easily my favorite model in the group!

Keeping with the Three Musketeers theme across them! Thank you Sparknotes!

The Flamer on the Achaeron is a monster! I opted for more hazard stripes and more black on the base and soot weathering to make him look like he's been doing some BBQing!

'A Champion on Armageddon, Planchet regularly accompanied clean-up squads and cityfighting. His kill-banner records the death of two Stompas, Gaze of Gork and Da Krumper, as well as quintet of Morkanauts and Gorkanauts.'

More Warhound arms! The client now has 2 Plasma Blastguns, 2 Turbo Laser Destructors, a Vulkan Megabolter, and the Inferno Cannon! 

And, to put everything in context, here's the rest of his army!

I believe this puts the Smells Like Knight Titans counter over 20 now! Like our work? Have a Knight (or anything for that matter) that needs some painting TLC? Drop us an email at SmellsLikeWargaming at Hotmail dot com, and we'll get you on your way!

Next up is an army of Tempestus Scions, as well as another Primarch! 

Stay tuned!
