It feels as though I've been painting my Tau army for years! It's been through two rule book changes, and I've put it on hiatus several times. I managed to finish the "enforcer" suit commander today!

Firstly, this is a great model. The pose is dynamic, there are several bits options, and it is suitably different to the rank-and-file Tau battle suits. He'll do great in my army!

Secondly, the fine cast is horrible... There are numerous edges which are imprecise. Some of the flat panels have horrible texture to them. And, sadly, I don't see him holding that sideways pose for long: similar fine cast figures in my collection have become warped over time. I can well see the ankles sagging if I leave him on display...

The reds in these photos have come out far too "cherry": in reality, the armour is far more drab. I used Khorne Red as the base, highlighted with Wazdakka Red and finally Squig Orange. He is in the same scheme as the rest of my battle suit army.

The model is fully compatible with the GW plastic Tau battle suit weapons, which I used on the missile pack. He comes with several resin options - such as spare hands - so you have a few choices to personalise the commander.

I'd definitely recommend this figure, but make sure you inspect him for defects first! (Not actually very easy: the model is now direct only!!)