Happy Christmas everyone and to celebrate I thought I'd throw in an extra post and what better post than my first and perhaps last youtube video taking into account the mind numbing and depressing monotone delivery that will undoubtedly cause many of you to think suicidal thoughts! Still, Merry Christmas and all that ;)

So essentially when I was at Throne of Skulls I was doing so many Look Out Sir! rolls I ended up adopting a speed rolling technique that I found useful and improved the pace a little. What you will need is:
  • your usual dice and [mine are yellow]
  • a single dice in a different colour [mine is red and was gifted by the gaming fairies ;) ]
The process is detailed in the video below:
But, if you haven't access to Youtube the simple explanation is your normal dice form the 'Wound Pool' [WP] and your single dice is the Look Out Sir! [LOS!] dice.
  1. Put the WP dice in a pile your opponent can see
  2. Pick up 1 WP dice and the LOS! dice
  3. Roll the two dice
  4. If the LOS! roll passes apply the WP dice to your units saving throw
  5. If the LOS! roll fails apply the WP dice to your unit leader's saving throw
  6. Remove models or add wounds if the saving roll fails
  7. Move WP dice into a new pile of 'spent' WP dice
  8. Repeat until the Wound Pool is empty or all your figures have died.
Now the first time I did this I was rolling the LOS! dice separately and the WP dice but doing them simultaneously speeds things up. Since then I've experienced a number of things to be careful about:
  • Ensure you make it clear what your saving throws are
  • Make sure you are using the correct LOS! value - 4+ for unit upgrades, 2+ for Independent Characters
  • Ensure you correctly identify
    "LOS! roll is passed, unit fails saving throw", or
    "LOS! roll is passed, unit passes saving throw", or
    "LOS! roll is failed, leader fails saving throw", or
    "LOS! roll is failed, leader passes saving throw"
    it's easy to get mixed up so it helps to verbally confirm what the dice say
  • Ensure the 'spent' WP pile is clear for your opponent - nothing worse than going through the WP only for them to say you've only done 6 rolls out of 7 and you're convinced you've doen them all - the spent pile proves this, thoguh equally the lack of dice in your Wound Pool should also prove where you're at.
Lastly, remember it's sometimes handy to want to fail Look Out Sir! because your unit leader may have a better saving throw. And also if your opponent believes something shady is going on because you have a 'special' LOS! dice they're not really thinking the process through because if you've got a 'special' dice that always rolls 4+ then you'd be using them for your main dice!