So here I am at step one of my attempt to field 1850-2000 points of Necrons, fully painted to TT, within 3 weeks. First up are my first 32 warriors, 5 immortals (thank you, readers, for the suggestion), a lord, an overlord, a cryptek, Imotekh, and Obyron. The plastics have been carefully assembled and the mold lines have, for the most part, been rubbed out.
But then came the task of dealing with the Fincecast ICs. [read more]
Now, I've been ambivalent about Finecast. I did not get on the "Failcast" train and just start indiscriminately dogging the material. For chunky models like Hive Guard, I think it beats metal when you can find casts that don't make the model asymmetrical. And when I've had problems, a quick call to GW Customer Service has remedied my problem to my satisfaction every single time.
But look at the circled areas in that picture above (you can click on it to enlarge). Those two staves snapped during their removal from the sprue. I was not at all hard on these models; rather, I was babying them. I think it has to do with the fact that those staves look segmented, creating natural break points. Regardless of the reason, I've finally come to see that Finecast is really bad with thin, highly detailed areas.
I'm going to call GW tomorrow to remedy this, but I don't know if getting a replacement is going to solve the problem. The staff looks too thin to pin, but I will see what I can do to fix it. If I'm successful and GW sends a replacement, I may give the fixed one away. Stay tuned.