The latest in the Horus Heresy Hobby.

Every week I bring you the latest amazing hobby progress from the Horus Heresy Forums, the premier online Heresy gaming community.


Shanewils shows off the excellent work he's done on his Iron Warriors Primus Medicae. He looks extremely menacing, and more likely to end your life than save it! More of his work here.


Littlemen returns from his hiatus with some stunning Alpha Legionnaires. Check out more of his amazing work here, including a fantastic Forge Lord conversion.


Sticking with the Alpha's, here is Aventine's Fell Blade. Recently refurbished to fit his new scheme. Some amazing free hand on this tank. Check out his recently completed, "Super Jerk Unit" (Moritat), over on the forums.


Coopervisor has finished up some Mechanicum units, including the new Vorax! Visit the forums, here, to check out more photo's, including some action shots against Chaos Daemons of Nurgle.

LeeroyThe Sonic

Leroy has finished an Iron Hands Contemptor. This menacing dreadnought joins his ever growing Legion X, check out more here, including different weapon load outs for the dreadnought.


Princetyty does not disappoint, with his first model in almost 3 months. The additional pictures of this Javelin Speeder are well worth joining the forums to check out.


Durfas completes an Apothecary he found lying around on his painting table, check more pictures of his work here.


MajorNese has completed this Storm Eagle. Some awesome clean lines and great free hand. Check out more pictures here.


New member, DaKing, shows of his Iron Warriors, find more pictures here. He has a particularly great Preator in Cataphractii armour he is currently working on that requires your attention!

Have your own models you'd like to share with the community? Sign up to the forums and share your own Hobby Progress.
