So, here we are again. I have not been able to finish of any large models lately so this will just be a short update on some of the smaller things. Fist I assembled the last of the Khorne Blood crushers/marines on juggernauts. This one has a standard but is otherwise pretty much the same as the other two, I am not sure if I like how the contrast between the shield and the banner turned out, but for consistency with the rest of the squad I will leave it as is.
Then I also had a bit of a rescue mission. As I mentioned in a previous post I had noted that one of my War hound titans, Unbearable Perversion, which is in a dynamic walking pose had started to lean over more and more. When I built the titan I made sure that each leg could stand on its own and that when attached to the pelvic the plane for the upper body was horizontal. Once assembled it balanced well on it own. As it did balance by it self I did not mount it on a base, as I tried to keep the foot print as small as possible. However, quite a lot of the weight of the titan is resting on the front leg as it as both its feet in a row with the back foot of on its toes. As the model was standing on a glass surface the back for did not have any grip on the ground and any force transmitted through this leg meant that is wanted to slip backwards. This put even more weight on the front leg and the knee started to twist and bend as the top of the titan wanted to tip over. This part of the leg is also quite fragile as it only consist of a thin resin plate joining the upper and lower knee joints supported by the added piston assembly The front leg also started to come apart at the joint between the leg and the ball joint, joining the leg to the pelvis. So I had to pull the leg assembly apart, straighten the leg with a hair dryer, make a base to join the front and back leg, and reassemble it again. I am hoping that joining the feet at the ground will help with the forces a bit better as the back leg cant slide out from under the titan again. When I was making bases I decided to put bases on the other two titans as well for symmetry. They are so far un-decorated but I will get around to it eventually.
Lastly I present the sergeant for the Fallen Dark Angels jump infantry. I thought that the sergeant from the Dark Vengeance set look much better with the tabard rather then the traditional full robes of the Dark Angels so I decided to try to make my own version of this. As this aesthetic also carries over in the Death Wing set I decided to try to marry a chest piece from the Death Wing with the back peace of a normal power armor. I think the result is quite nice even though I had hoped for a better fit between the two pieces. All in all I think the Jump Infantry is looking the part with the black armor and their pre-heresy jump packs. Well that is all for now, I will keep shipping away at my stock of unpainted and un-built models and we will see what turns up here.