I was all excited to receive my box of 25 copies of The Thorne Legacy paperback today… until I opened the box.  I'm sorry to say that there's a resolution issue with the printing.  I thought it was a problem with the printer at first, but it may have been on my end after all.  So I think I may have messed up the first batch.  Poop.

However, I was also excited to see that the paperback has been selling!  I hope those who receive it and say, "Gee, this cover looks kinda pixelated and crappy" will come to this blog to launch a complaint and find that I'm aware of the issue and fixing it.  It's too late for those who have already ordered, and for those who will eventually get the copies I have now ('cuz it's too late to get new ones before the Goodreads giveaway ends), but please know, Dear Readers, that I'm working hard to maintain a high level of professionalism here.  Mistakes happen and I'm hoping to make most of my errors now so I can learn from them early on.  I get better with each miff I make. ;)

By the way, there's still two weeks to get your own copy for free in the afore mentioned giveaway.  Just click here to see the book's Goodreads page...

All in all, the story itself is still the same high quality, action-packed, tear-jerking, contest finalist material on the inside, no matter what the cover looks like outside.  But I am embarrassed to have put out a fuzzy looking cover in the first place.  (It looked great on the digital proof, I swear!)

Working to correct the error.  Please enjoy the story inside despite the fuzziness outside.

UPDATE:  Actually, looking at it the next day, it isn't that bad.  Still a bit fuzzy and disappointing, but not terrible.  Fix is still in-process.

FURTHER UPDATE:  Seems the art is just too detailed to look good blown up and thrown on a paperback cover.  And that's a problem for me...  I love this image but, unfortunately, I may need to replace it with something simpler and more viable.