There is an outstanding model structure outfit in Croatia called Tabletop World. You can find their website here. I learned about them well over a year ago from a Beasts of War channel video. I was intrigued by the product, so I thought I'd order one of their buildings and see what it was like for myself. Here's a photograph of some of their medieval structures from their home page. Pretty snappy stuff!

I ordered the Guard Tower (and hill)...and here's how it comes. Lots of pieces, and hardly a mold line in sight. The resin is very clean and free of bubbles. Absolute top quality castings.

Now, I've been working on this project on-and-off for a year. It has literally sat for months at a time in the basement untouched. Well, this week I resolved to finish it off. The main structure anyway. There are lots of furniture bits to fill the rooms...I haven't quite finished those yet. Anyway...the finished model.

A quarter turn counter-clockwise.

And again. The whole model is stunning. Quite the centerpiece for a game table. I'm thinking Warmachine.

The ramp up the hill.

There is an outrageous amount of detail sculpted into this model. I've added some moss to complete the rundown look of the structure.

All the rooms of the Guard Tower are accessible and quite nicely detailed. Here it is with the roof off. As I said, there's a lot of model furniture that come with the kit...not quite done yet if you know what I mean.

The upper storey removed. This is the main guard chamber. There are nice crossbow slits and covered windows on this level.

The upper chamber of the stone tower.

And finally, the bottom section of the tower. All the stairs were separate sections to facilitate easy painting.

I added some Army Painter ivy to one side of the structure.

Also added some moss to the tower stone in various places.

Anyway, as you can see, a superb model. I really like Tabletop World stuff, and now have a fair number of their other models as well. Graveyard is the next project.

'Til next time.