Warmachine work continues. Cryx is finally off the table, and a return to Menoth is on the horizon. To bridge the gap, I've decided to take a side trip into Cygnar. Several months ago I picked up a painted Stormwall colossal from my friend Jarrett Lee (Minijunkie.com). I've decided to build up a force around that great model, using Jarrett's colossal as a painting style guide.
First two models off the table are a pair of heavy 'jacks: the Defender and the Ironclad.
Here's another pic of Jarrett's Stormwall...I'm trying to match the blue with my new Cygnar units. I'm also trying to replicate Jarrett's weathering techniques.
The Defender has a great Cygnar gun (the faction is known for its guns).
The blue is a progression of Vallejo French Blue and Light Sea Blue, with a finishing highlight spray of P3 Frostbite.
The Ironclad is Cygnar's standard cheap heavy.
He has an earthquake hammer which can affect models within 2", but otherwise, he's not that special.
OK, I have a number of upcoming Cygnar models, which I'll post pictures of over the coming weeks.
'Til next time.