by 1stheretic | Jul 26, 2015
Welcome to episode 85. Many things have changes for me over the last year. Some good, some not so good. The time has come for me (Joe) to close this chapter and move on to the next. This... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...
by 1stheretic | May 25, 2015
Segment 1 Hobby and gaming updates Gw Updates Game night grub Reminder June painting Enjoy the holiday Interview – Happy Halfling Workshop [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other...
by 1stheretic | May 10, 2015
Episode 82 – The Big D and C2E2 Segment 1 Hobby and gaming updates Bugs in the meta Skitarii & Craftworld Eldar Interview: The Life Engineered Segment 2 White dwarf rules... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...
by 1stheretic | Apr 12, 2015
Segment 1 Hobby and gaming updates GW News Fluffing ain’t easy; it’s about the story and your gaming group Segment 2 Interview with Aaron Lovejoy Interview with Peter Adkison Show... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...
by 1stheretic | Apr 1, 2015
Segment 1 Hobby and gaming updates Game Night Grub GW News Adepticon interviews! – Andy Chambers, Ninja Division, Games & Gears, and GD Designs Segment 2 Wappel Adepticon Recap... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other...