by 1stheretic | May 10, 2011
When playing any game, the way you set up your play area is almost as important as the mood you have when you begin your game. Most 40k players can point their finger at one of their friends and list... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...
by 1stheretic | May 10, 2011
We want you! Much as I love being the center of attention, I’d like to get some articles written by others up here as well. If you’d like to write something for the blog let me know, if it’s a good... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...
by 1stheretic | May 9, 2011
Coffee Post time! Good morning loyal readers…. The weather in Chicago was perfect yesterday, so I didn’t make much Warhammer 40k progress this weekend. I was thinking a lot around massive amount of... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...
by 1stheretic | May 7, 2011
I posted this on Tweeter yesterday, but wanted to post it here as well. This is just awesome beyond words for anyone who was or is an RPG gamer. [pullquote]I loved it and now its stuck in my head... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...
by 1stheretic | May 6, 2011
It’s Coffee Post time – This morning is a quick hobby / painting advice on priming! Priming always gives me trouble….. White, black, too hot, too cold, missing spots, too much, too thick, yada, yada,... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...