by 1stheretic | Apr 30, 2011
re Mixer is working, I think I’ve figured out how to record all four mics in Sound Forge 10 Pro, we’re ready to rock! Some of the podcast members are coming over today to work on... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...
by 1stheretic | Apr 27, 2011
Check out the bio information on the hosts / contributors to Screaming Heretic. This can be found under the Show Hosts on the main menu bar. Let us know what you think! Joe [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other...
by 1stheretic | Apr 26, 2011
You can also leave a comment on the blog or forums. If you’d like to email please send it to info(AT)screamingheretic(DOT)com or our twitter handle @screamheretic [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more!...
by 1stheretic | Apr 26, 2011
Well, we’re getting step by step closer to recording the first podcast for Screaming Heretic. My new mixer should be here Thursday with the super shielded USB 2.0 cable to keep out the noise in... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...
by 1stheretic | Apr 25, 2011
It takes a whole lot of talent to be a sharpshooter. You want to have the ability to correctly see the goal, compensate for any components, and pull the set off. Sadly, not all individuals have the talents required to turn out to be a marksman. Others have the talent,...